How do you juggle..?
The ’How do you juggle..?’ podcast features conversations about career, education, mental health, parenting, struggling and how we juggle with them. Different guests from different backgrounds share their experiences and we go deep on subjects that impact us all. This podcast is in English and in French. The conversation is in one language and there is a recap of 10-15mn in the other.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Cet épisode est assez spécial pour moi. On parle de deuil avec Père Niry, et de la perception d'un prêtre et humain qui a lui aussi perdu des proches. On discute aussi sur son parcours dans la Foi, et sur la croyance en Dieu.
C'est une conversation honnête, authentique et pleine d'espoir.
00:00 Intro
02:30 Définition du deuil
09:50 Ressentir de la peine quand une personne que l'on ne connait pas, meurt
12:00 Comment parler de deuil à une personne non croyante?
15:48 Différence de deuil entre athées et croyants
20:33 Dans la douleur, comment croire en Dieu?
26:50 Remise en question de sa Foi
32:23 Coutume malgache pour le deuil
37:30 Les 3 dernières questions
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is a big one for me as we talk about grief. As a christian, I wanted a perception from a priest, that's why I asked a friend, Father Niry, who gives us an honest view of what he thinks about it. We discussed also about how he deals with his faith daily.
It's an honest, vulnerable conversation and I'm so grateful for him.
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
This first conversation I had to choose my brother Matthieu.
He has had a very interesting journey and the quest of purpose is something that has been recurring nowadays.
What makes you happy? What drives you to wake up fulfilled and happy?
We embark on this journey where he's talking candidly about how complicated 2021 has been, coming from a traditional family, to embrace who you are and who you want to be.
Enjoy the episode guys!
00:00 Intro
01:50 How do you introduce yourself when you meet someone?
04:30 How your environment has an impact on your choice of job
09:28 Purpose depends on which stage of your life you're in
12:40 When you don't know what you like, it's difficult to find a purpose
18:36 How do you organize your time between your job and your passion?
20:00 Good and bad sides of being an engineer
24:10 Will you be able to quit your job for your purpose?
26:30 What are 2 books to read that helped on searching our purpose?
34:40 The 3 last questions
Cette conversation avec mon frère a été drôle, intéressante de comprends d'où vient cette quête de purpose. Qu'est ce qui t'irradie le matin? Qu'est ce qui te rend heureux?
On parle d'épisode de déprime, de famille traditionnelle, et de chercher ce qui t'anime afin de pourquoi pas, poursuivre cette voie.
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Ep 1 - (ENG) Being a math teacher and an artist - Etre prof et artiste
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
In this episode, I introduce myself to you.
I started this podcast after trying to find a way to use both sides of me (as a math teacher and an artist). I remember some of my students who came to support me at a concert after teaching them for a year.
Then, I realize while talking to friends that we all go through struggle, questions and we all juggle with stuff in life.
So today, I tell you how do I balance my life working a job and fulfilling my dreams while trying never giving up.
00:00 Intro
00:34 Coming from a traditional family
01:34 My love for singing, dancing, a hobby
02:25 Started out as a math teacher and struggling
03:15 My move to London to be an artist part-time
05:15 Going back to France after an accident and trying out new jobs
07:50 Discovered my love for musicals
09:38 Not easy to be a student in drama school at 33
11:40 Being an artist doesn't mean you're stuck in one thing
13:00 I didn't give up on being an artist
15:00 3 last questions
Cet épisode est une présentation de la création de ce podcast, basé sur l'idée de ma vie: comment j'ai jonglé entre ma vie d'artiste et ma vie de prof.
Et en discutant avec des proches, je me suis rendue compte que l'on jongle tous avec des idées, des questions, des jobs, des principes qui font nos vies.
Alors voici mon expérience de personne travaillant pour vivre, tout en poursuivant son rêve sans jamais abandonner.
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Ep 0 - (ENG) Introduction
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Welcome to the 'How do you juggle..?' podcast!
My name is Amy and in this episode, I introduce to you what you're about to embark on.
Every episode is a conversation with a guest (except the first one) where we talk about juggling between jobs, parenting ways, feelings about loss, love, frienship...
New episodes every Monday starting February 14, 2022. Happy Valentine's day :)
00:00 Intro
02:01 Topics discussed in this podcast
Bienvenue sur le podcast 'How do you juggle..?'
Je m'appelle Amy et je vous embarque avec cette intro dans mon univers du podcast: les conversations 1-1 sur des sujets comme la carrière, la santé mentale, l'amitié, le burnout, le fait d'être parents..
Chaque épisode est dans la langue choisie du guest et je fais un recap dans l'autre langue (entre français et anglais)
03:30 Intro
04:15 Sujets discutés sur le podcast
What is it about?
This podcast was created with the idea that we can be friends for long and still have deep conversations, or on the contrary, never talk about intense topics. It's still friendship either way. But maybe, this will open more conversations, to think, rethink things..learn or even..unlearn.
We talk about arts, career, parenting, loss, life itself.
Come listen and let us know what you think.
Who are they?
For these first few episodes, I asked some of my dearest friends to be part of this journey. They said yes and I can't thank them enough.
Remotely, in person, they were present to talk about stuff that means a lot to them, to us.
To you, my guests, thank you.