How do you juggle..?
The ’How do you juggle..?’ podcast features conversations about career, education, mental health, parenting, struggling and how we juggle with them. Different guests from different backgrounds share their experiences and we go deep on subjects that impact us all. This podcast is in English and in French. The conversation is in one language and there is a recap of 10-15mn in the other.
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
For this episode, I invited my big sister Olivia to talk about how she juggles working for a company and having a business aside.
She has gone through a long burn out phase and she was kind enough to talk to me about it. What did it to her? What good things she experienced because of it?
Her business aside is having a editor company where she translates spiritual books.
Join us to this conversation in English and share around you!
RECAP EN Français -> 55mn15
Olivia est ma soeur et on discute ici sur un sujet que beaucoup peuvent se retrouver: avoir un business à côté quand on travaille pour une boîte.
Qu'est ce qui l'a poussé? Quelles sont les enjeux?
Puis elle nous parle aussi d'une période de sa vie délicate - le burn out.
Cette période a duré quelques années et elle a gentiment voulu nous expliquer ce qu'elle a traversé et comment elle s'en est sorti.
Ecoutez bien cet épisode! Et partagez-le!
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
RECAP IN ENGLISH -> 1h15mn33
J'ai invité mon ami Tahina. Il a joué du piano pour moi, on a fait pleins de concerts. Il est aussi de très bon conseil. Il est pasteur, il est papa et cet épisode est centré sur la différence ou les similarités des deux aspects de sa vie. Il nous explique comment ses enfants le voient, ce qui est attendu de sa vie de couple et de famille afin de montrer l'exemple.
This episode is about Tahina. A friend of mine that used to play piano in my band. He's a pastor, a dad of 3 and today we talk about how these two aspects of his life can be similar or complementary.
How does he juggle between being present for his parishers and for his kids.
Check this out!
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Aujourd'hui j'ai invité Ophélia, ma cousine/copine pour me parler de son expérience en tant que manager de boutique avant ses 30 ans.
Elle nous fait part de son parcours, des difficultés, des erreurs, des bienfaits, de l'implication sur ses relations amoureuses.
Ophélia est très inspirante! Vous verrez!
This is episode is about being a female manager before 30. I added 'female' because it's not automatic to see women on top of the chain and even less young women!
She will dive into the difficulties, the mistakes, the things she learned..
Chcek the recap in English!
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Ep 7 - (in English) Being a dad of autistic and non autistic kids - with Hery J
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
This one is so special to me.
I invited my dear friend Hery J to talk to us about his experience with Autism.
His twins have autism and he and his wife had to change their way of living to help them adapt better to the day to day life.
Listen to this special episode recap as today is April 2nd, World Autism Awareness day.
And research about it, talk about it!
Thanks everyone!
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Ep 7 - (in French) Papa d’enfants autistes - with Hery J
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Cet épisode est très spécial pour moi.
J'ai invité mon ami Hery J pour nous parler d'autisme. Ses jumeaux ont été diagnostiqué autistes à l'âge de 3 ans. Et il nous emmène dans son expérience, sa co-parentalité avec sa femme, les challenges, les moments de bonheur qu'il a avec ses enfants.
L'épisode est uniquement en français. Le recap en anglais sera un épisode à part et sortira le 2 avril. Journée internationale de l'autisme.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Iris is a friend I met in drama school, she's yound and vibrant and talented. At only 20 years old, she got into The Voice Belgium after graduating. She's here to talk about her experiences, the lessons she learned throughout her journey, the challenges and rewards she went through.
I'm glad to call her friend even with our 15 year gap as we share a lot of values and principles!
RECAP in French -> skip to 59mn10
Iris est une amie que j'ai rencontré à l'ICMT et du haut de ses 20 ans, elle nous raconte ses expériences, les leçons qu'elle a retenues, les challenges auxquels elle a dû faire face.
J'ai vraiment adoré cette conversation
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Ep 5 - (FR) Maman à 44 ans - Life as a first time mum at 44 - with Katia
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Cette fois-ci, me voilà maintenant avec mon amie Katia, dans une conversation sur le fait d'avoir son premier enfant après 40 ans. On parle de stigma social, de son ressenti dans sa vie de mère et de prof.
00:00 Intro
05:00 Différents boulots qui ramènent à une figure maternelle
08:30 Doit-on en tant que prof être une figure d'éducation autre qu'enseignant?
13:09 Pression sociale d'être maman après 40 ans
17:30 Prête à tout pour être maman?
22:50 Vie sociale et familiale différente dépendamment de là où tu vis
25:30 Une leçon reçue par sa maman qu'elle passerait à sa fille
31:35 Les 3 dernières questions (Plus gros challenge/Plus grande récompense/Une chose à désapprendre)
The episode is quite important because we talk with my friend Katia about how being a first time mum at 44. We dive into social expectations, the differences between being a mum and a teacher.
I am so grateful for this woman who was kind enough to be vulnerable.
Can't wait for you all to listen to that!
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Ep 4 - (ENG) Having multiple artistic projects - with Chloe
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Today, my guest is Chloé. And she's been working on several artistic projects.
Among them, her own, The Notebasher, where she plays backing tracks for singers that can't find a piano version online.
She talks about how organized you must be, and aware of your decisions in the moment. And how being a freelancer can be tricky and complicated for your mental and physical health.
00:00 Intro
02:58 Being a musician since kindergarten
05:15 Multitasking and working with 2 languages
13:11 Being organized in between your money job and your art
17:30 How to prevent feeling overwhelmed and care for your mental health
24:20 Different perspectives from family in the arts industry and family who is not
31:50 Have you ever said no to a project?
34:37 The 3 last questions (Biggest challenge/BIggest reward/the unlearnt thing)
Aujourd'hui, Chloe m'a rejoint pour nous expliquer comment elle jongle entre tous ses différents projets artistiques.
Parmi eux, son projet personnel, The Notebasher, où elle enregistre une version piano de toute partition pour les chanteurs qui en ont besoin.
Elle nous parle de son organisation, des décisions sur le moment et que parfois, être auto entrepreneur peut être compliqué pour la santé physique ou mentale.
What is it about?
This podcast was created with the idea that we can be friends for long and still have deep conversations, or on the contrary, never talk about intense topics. It's still friendship either way. But maybe, this will open more conversations, to think, rethink things..learn or even..unlearn.
We talk about arts, career, parenting, loss, life itself.
Come listen and let us know what you think.
Who are they?
For these first few episodes, I asked some of my dearest friends to be part of this journey. They said yes and I can't thank them enough.
Remotely, in person, they were present to talk about stuff that means a lot to them, to us.
To you, my guests, thank you.