How do you juggle..?
The ’How do you juggle..?’ podcast features conversations about career, education, mental health, parenting, struggling and how we juggle with them. Different guests from different backgrounds share their experiences and we go deep on subjects that impact us all. This podcast is in English and in French. The conversation is in one language and there is a recap of 10-15mn in the other.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
In this episode, I invited my friend Zineb, who's a muslim dating a catholic.
So you guessed the episode...We dived into their relationship and how they managed to understand and love each other despite this big difference: religion.
She shared with me the values they have in common, the two subjects that are difficult to agree on and she's the first guest where I introduced the new all-guests questions to:
- Could you give me something you did that was spontaneous and generous?
- Could you give me something that people don't understand about you?
Check her answers!
Cet épisode est très spécial et personnel et je remercie Zineb de m'avoir fait confiance pour se livrer sur ce sujet: la différence de religion dans son couple. Elle est musulmane, il est catholique et ça fait 5 ans qu'ils sont ensemble. Tous les deux pratiquants dans leur religion, elle nous fait part de leur quotidien, des sujets difficultés à parler, des valeurs communes! Et j'introduis dans cet épisode les nouvelles questions à tous mes guests:
- Peux-tu me donner quelque chose que les gens ne comprennent pas de toi?
- Peux-tu me donner une chose que t'as faite pour quelqu'un de façon spontanée?
Ecoutez ce merveilleux épisode!
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
This next episode is about Ismael.
Ismael is a friend I've known through my brother. He's 1/4 congolese, 1/4 belgian and half comorian and he grew up in France.
Here we talk about the struggles of feeling like an outsider in his own country, in the country you live in and how culture can set a difference and a barrier to communicate with people.
Check the whole conversation in English!
Cet épisode est centré sur Ismael qui est français mais avec d'origines diverses (congolaise, comorienne et belge).
Il nous confie les difficultés qu'il a rencontré de barrières de langage, de culture afin de pouvoir communiquer avec les gens.
Il y a quelques anecdotes surprenantes aussi!
Ecoutez le recap en français!
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
This episode is with my cousin Antso! Fun, loving, interesting guy!
We talk about how he quit his job to...find his purpose!
How do you introduce yourself? What's your definition of purpose? What happened in your head when you knew you wanted to quit? How did it impact your relationship?
We answer all these questions in this episode!
Check it out!!
Mon cousin est à l'honneur aujourd'hui! Antso, vous l'avez peut être vu dans The Voice aussi! Il nous raconte comment il a quitté son boulot pour chercher sa vocation.
C'est un peu une partie 2 de l'épisode de mon frère Matthieu...mais un peu différent!
Ecoutez cet épisode, vous ne serez pas décu!
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
This episode is my other sister Dina who's on the mic.
She's the rebel one, but she's actually the one that had the path that looked like what our parents wanted for us...Being a mom of 2 kids with a 10 year gap, having a job early on and going back to school at 34, all the challenges and the blessings she met throughout her journey are what we talk about in this episode.
Check it out as it is raw, fun and emotional!
Cet épisode comprend ma soeur Dina, celle qui me ressemble le plus physiquement...Elle est maman de 2 enfants, elle a travaillé à 20 ans, pour reprendre ses études à 34.
Elle nous parle de son parcours, de ses challenges, de la différence entre élever un enfant à 24 ans puis à 34...
Ecoutez ce merveilleux épisode!
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
This next episode is centered around Emma.
She's a friend I met through drama school, she's a singer, dancer, actress and she has famous parents. Her mom is in the French TV Drama 'Plus belle la vie'.
We dive into how she manages this life of being 'the daughter of' and finding her own self, her own path.
Listen to this convo! It is very inspiring!
Ce prochain episode est centré sur Emma, une amie actrice, chanteuse, aux parents connus.
Sa mère est dans 'Plus belle la Vie', son père est très connu dans le monde du théâtre.
Emma nous raconte sa jeunesse, les premiers moments où elle a réalisé que sa maman était connu, mais aussi les auditions, rôles, choix qu'elle a fait seule.
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Laetitia est une amie que j'ai rencontré lors de la comédie musicale Siddhartha. Elle est infirmière et chanteuse. Dans cet épisode, elle nous partage son expérience en tant qu'infirmière, les galères, les challenges, les meilleurs moments (surtout pendant la pandémie) mais aussi le côté de sa vie de chanteuse. Comment elle jongle les deux? Pourrait-elle abandonner l'une pour faire l'autre? Quels sont les réels problèmes vécus dans les deux points de sa vie?
Ecoutez l'épisode pour avoir réponse à ses questions
Laetitia is a friend I met through the musical we did together.
She's trying to juggle between being a nurse and a singer.
In this episode, she's giving us a glimpse on what she went through during pandemic as a nurse, the challenges, the similarities with being a singer. If she could give up one to pursue only the other.
Check the recap in English to have the answers!
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Cet épisode est centré sur mon ami Haja, qui me parle de son expérience en tant que papa de 6 enfants. Enfin, plutôt..figure paternelle de 6 enfants.
Il nous raconte comment il était plus jeune, ce qu'il veut que ses enfants retiennent de lui, les leçons qu'il leur enseigne, les challenges etc.
Partagez cet épisode autour de vous!
I invited one of my closest friends, Haja, to talk to me about his life as a father figure of 6 kids.
He's talking about his childhood, how he was a kid, a teenager. What does he want for his kids, how he balances with his relationship with his wife? The lessons he's teaching his kids.
Check it out and share around you!
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Special Episode - First Q&A
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
We passed the 10 episodes AND 500 downloads!! you ouuuuuuh!
Thank you each and everyone of you who is part of the 'How do you juggle' podcast! I am very proud of this project! I'm very grateful that it resonates with you!
So let's keep going!
For this episode, I decided to do a Q&A. I will do it every 10 episodes! There I said it!
All the questions and answers are in English except for one. So I switched in French for that particular question. But I will post the video with subtitles for my French listeners!!
Merci à tous d'avoir écouté, téléchargé, partagé, commenté etc..
Je suis ravie de compter déjà 10 épisodes!! Il y en a pleins d'autres qui arrivent!
En attendant, voici mon premier Q&A episode. En anglais...MAIS je poste la vidéo dans les prochains jours avec les sous titres en français!
Enjoy et rdv bientôt pour le prochain nouvel épisode!
What is it about?
This podcast was created with the idea that we can be friends for long and still have deep conversations, or on the contrary, never talk about intense topics. It's still friendship either way. But maybe, this will open more conversations, to think, rethink things..learn or even..unlearn.
We talk about arts, career, parenting, loss, life itself.
Come listen and let us know what you think.
Who are they?
For these first few episodes, I asked some of my dearest friends to be part of this journey. They said yes and I can't thank them enough.
Remotely, in person, they were present to talk about stuff that means a lot to them, to us.
To you, my guests, thank you.